When you have a google adsense account, it is always logical to avoid quality reducing habits that could get you acquainted with the “google slap” punishment. Of course, you can turn to easy and quick google slap help on how to avoid the google slap or how to make your website better. As a matter of fact, if you can get your website to be better, then there’s lesser risk of you getting a google slap.

Technically, a google slap refers to Google significantly lowering the Quality Score of AdWords ad/advertisers, or banning them from advertising on AdWords outright; in easy to understand terms, it’s google giving you a punishment that is lighter than getting banned.

Getting a good website takes a lot of hard work, and maintenance; it’s a two way process – google allow publishers to earn revenue through managing advertisements and the publisher manages their website where these advertisements are placed. As a publisher, it is your responsibility to maintain a good quality score on your site. This helps google identify which sites deliver high quality and relevant websites to their search results. So how do you maintain a good quality score? There are three factors that can greatly affect this: clickthrough rate (ctr), real-time relevancy, and the landing page. The clickthrough rate (ctr) is the most important factor in getting a good quality score. This factor is the ratio of the number of people who see an ad in your website and end up clicking on it; it also gauges how well your keywords and ads are performing. A high CTR is a good indication that users find your ads helpful and relevant. The more your keywords and ads relate to each other and to your business, the more likely a user is to click on your ad after searching on your keyword phrase, and the more your quality score maintains on the high. With all these information, it all boils down to not getting a google slap in the long run.

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